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  • CHEA Adult Skill Center


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About the Founder

At CHEA, we strive to make a difference in the city of Flint, Michigan. Our founder, Dr.  Marsay Wells-Strozier, Ed.D., remains committed to working with the community to provide access to education and resources that can help improve the lives of individuals and families.  CHEA believes that everyone deserves an equal chance at success, and we work diligently to make that a reality. We inspire and empower those in need to reach their full potential. 

My Story

Dr. Marsay Wells-Strozier, Ed.D., a native of Flint, Michigan, is the founder and Director of Operations for The Center for Higher Educational Achievement, which is also known as CHEA. CHEA was created with the mission to build communities and to provide programs to help minimize educational, economic, and residential barriers, which prohibit individuals and families from achieving self-sufficiency. Dr. Wells-Strozier’s motto for creating CHEA in 2005, “I am the change that I choose to see.” The Center for Higher Educational operates: CHEA Adult Skill Center, CHEA Community Resource House, and CHEA Sustainable Community Housing Program for homeless military veterans and returning home-citizens. The goal of CHEA is to increase economic opportunities through education, financial literacy training, and affordable housing, for individuals and families to have a self-sustainable life. Dr. Wells-Strozier serves on the Board of Directors for Flint’s Economic Development Corporation. She is the producer and host of CHEA Use of Knowledge is Power Radio Show (Flint’s WFLT), and prime-time television host of CHEA Use of Knowledge is Power for the local CW Network. She is the published author of “Keira & Me Homonyms and Homophones”, and one of eight anthologists of the book, “Sisters in Strength”. Dr. Wells-Strozier holds an Education Doctorate in Educational Administration and Leadership (Walden University), a Master of Arts in Education Instruction and Curriculum Design and a Master of Art certificate in General Administration (Central Michigan University), and a Bachelor of Business in Business Administration (Baker College). Dr. Wells-Strozier, Ed.D., is the recipient of the Fairhaven Seventh-day Adventist Church Community Award, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority “Ordinary Girl to Extraordinary Woman Award.

Partners & Funders

Corporate & Philanthropy Funders
The State Bank
Flagstar Bank
Flagstar Bank Corporation
Ruth Mott Foundation
City of Flint

Community Foundation of Greater Flint
State of Michigan
Valley Area of The Aging (VAAA)

Big Lots
Spectacle Production


Consumers Energy (CLEAResults)
Legal Services of Eastern Michigan
Flint Housing Commission

First Presbyterian Church of Flint Community Ministry

Rich Gift Family Solutions

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Flint & Genesee County Continuum of Care
Genesee Health System (Legacy Center)
Region 6 Michigan Works!
The Power Initiative

State of Michigan Department of Corrections-Fint Parole Office
Flint Veteran Affairs Housing Coordinator Department
Disabled American Veterans-Chapter #3

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